12 Rumi quotes to get you through quarantine

Quarantine has been difficult on some more than others, but what makes it most survivable is the fact that not just this city Mumbai, or this nation India, but the whole wide world is dealing with it. Knowing that we are not alone in this, makes it a little less painful. With this knowledge if there is anything else that can get us through these tough times of Covid - 19 pandemic, then it is positivity. That ray of hope of a better tomorrow, of realisations and of emergence of a whole new world. 

So here is a ray of hope in the form of words from Rumi to get you through this quarantine.

A great spiritual master and poet, Jalaluddin Rumi was born in Wakhsh (Tajikistan) in 1207 to a family of learned theologians. He founded the Mawlani Sufi order, a leading mystical brotherhood of Islam. He was initiated into the mystical path by a wandering dervish, Shamsuddin of Tabriz. His love for and his bereavement at the death of Shams found their expression in a surge of music, dance and lyrics poems, Divani-Shamsi-Tabrizi, He is also the author of the six-volume epic work, the Mathnawi, which has been referred to as the 'Koran in Persian'.

P.S - Believe in the magic of words. Believe in yourself. 


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