5 easy ways to lose a guy

No body in the face of earth has ever gotten this right- DATING! It's difficult to understand the opposite sex and even more difficult to understand why we feel so ridiculously attracted towards a particular person and end up dating them. Well for all of you who can't figure out dating, know one thing, it's not dating, it's se-dating yourself with another person. The day this anesthetize wears off you will ask yourself the epic question - WHY? The dating game is no different in Mumbai than it is anywhere else in the world because love is a universal language and relationships are the punctuations.

So for all the girls out there, this is your manual to end a relationship with 5 easy ways to lose a guy or rather how not to lose a guy in reverse and for all the guys out there, read if you want to... I don't really care.

Step 1. Baby talk him:

We all were babies before being sexy adults and you know there is a reason why we don't remember most of the things we did as babies... because its freaking annoying! Talk to a guys like a baby and you have rolled the ball to lose that guy.

Step 2. Wallet. Check. Watch. Check. Girlfriend. Check:

He can go to a party without his clothes but not without you, because baby you gotta tag along everywhere he goes. Its not his life or her life anymore honey bun... its OUR life! Bombard his all-boys-night-out and you have irked him already.

Step 3. Cricket or Football... together we watch em' all!

There is nothing more sexy than a girl interested in sports and nothing more horrifying than a girl trying to understand sports. If you are not the interested types, yet you wana give him company while he watches his favorite match, you are only gonna end up asking him vexed questions about the game. So be careful girl!

Step 4. Rename him:

Honey bear, cuddle cakes, love muffin, my sweet boo, poppins, tiggy, jelly bear, sugar puff (oh this is too polished, let's go desi) jaanu, baby, shona, halwa, gobi, samosa... I can just go on with these lovey dovy names every guy loathes. So now you know, rename him and you will never reclaim him! (I love alliterations) 

Step 5. Family Planning:

Family planning after marriage is a superb idea but before marriage... is a sure shot way to scare the life out of him! Name your kids, design your home, match fix yourself with his mother, talk to his sister, blueprint your wedding card and you'll succeed in losing the guy forever.

P. S - Trust me real magic in relationships means absence of judgement of others.   


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